Study Skills

Quick tips for Better Grades

Want to move up a letter grade or two? The key lies in getting the most out of your study time. Learning the best ways to study takes practice.  Here are some quick and easy tips to get you going:

  • Pick a time and place.
    Specifically, look for a time when you are most productive and a place that allows you to concentrate. Late afternoon and early evening are good choices.
  • Check the setup.
    The right physical conditions can improve your study time. That means good lighting, the right temperature, and a table or desk with a comfortable straight-back chair.
  • Stick to the schedule.
    Study at your chosen time and place at least four days a week, and you'll pick up the habit in no time.
  • Cut the distractions.
    If your study area is free of noise, TV, phone calls, or what have you, you can motivate yourself to study more easily.
  • Prioritize.
    Before you start, rank your assignments from hardest to easiest - then do them in that order. It will make your work go faster and seem easier.
  • Have the right tools on hand.
    Use a dictionary, atlas, thesaurus, pens, paper, tape, scissors, stapler, whatever you need to get the job done.
  • Take a break when you need one.
    With a 15 minute break, you return to your desk refreshed and ready to go.
  • Review your material.
    Review your class work before and after class.

Follow these tips, and you will be on your way to better study skills - and better results!

Taken from Your Choices, Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC), Kathleen Bannerman, Assistant Principal, West Seneca Central School.

Internet Sites on Study Skills

  • Study Skills (Virginia Tech) – This website has about everything. Topics cover every aspect of studying. This site offers online study skills workshops.
  • Study Skills (University of St. Thomas) – Wow! You can view the study skills tips on these pages in 18 different languages (not that you want to, but still…). Studying is broken down into categories, starting with preparation and continuing through test taking.
  • – Succeed with the latest study strategies and writing techniques. This site is designed for college students, but has great information and links. Check it out for anything from organizing your backpak to test anxiety!
  • Khan Academy - Students can make use of an extensive library of content, including interactive challenges, assessments, and videos from any computer with access to the web. It is all free!
  • 8th Grade Math PSSA Review
Last Updated 3/4/20