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Planned Giving

Generosity comes in all sizes


Have you ever wanted to make a significant gift to support your alma mater, but something was holding you back? Perhaps you were nervous about world events, or the long-term economy, or the Wall Street rollercoaster.

Lots of things can get in the way when you want to make a real difference for our students. Well, here's some good news: You CAN make a real difference. Planned gifts make it possible and your generosity can make it happen.

Gifts Anyone Can Make

We offer a variety of gift types that enable you to leave a meaningful legacy to secure our future while building a more secure financial future for yourself.

  • Make a bigger difference by giving assets other than cash
  • Make a gift to our Foundation now with no cost to you during your lifetime
  • Reduce your estate tax exposure, eliminate capital gains, and pass more of your assets to your heirs by making a donation to us
  • Make a gift that pays an income to you

Sound too good to be true? It's not. The advantages of planned giving are real. You can demonstrate what you believe in, support and preserve your alma mater’s traditions and values, and enable us to continue our work for generations to come.

planned giving

For More Information…

I have had the great pleasure to help many alumni with their philanthropic goals. Whether it is a phone call, a Zoom meeting, or a personal visit I look forward to talking with you. I can give you ideas about estate philanthropy and tax-wise strategies to help you reach the goals you desire for your alma mater.

Larry Jamison '87
Director of Planned Giving
PennWest University
Direct Line (814) 393-1926

Last Updated 10/17/22