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CRLA re-certifies tutor program

April 6, 2015

Clarion University Writing Center Tutor Program received re-certification from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).

CRLA is a group of student-oriented professionals active in the fields of reading, learning assistance, developmental education, tutoring, and mentoring at the college/adult level. Certification was granted at three levels.

The announcement from CRLA stated, "Your CRLA Tutor Training Program Certification application for the Writing Center at Clarion University of Pennsylvania came back from the reviewers with high marks. No concerns were listed by the reviewer."

Tutor Training Certification comes through International Tutor Program Certification (ITPC). ITPC certifies tutor-training programs. ITPC authorizes the certified programs to certify tutors trained under those guidelines. ITPC has been recognized and endorsed by the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA) and its member organizations: Association for the Tutoring Profession, College Reading & Learning Association, National Association for Developmental Education, National College Learning Center Association, and National Center for Developmental Education.

There are 866 CRLA certified tutor programs worldwide. West Chester University is the only other Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education member with certification.

Dr. Juanita Smart, assistant professor of English, directs Clarion University's Writing Center. It supports all students in their efforts to become better writers rather than produce perfect papers. To this end, the Center's tutors or writing consultants do not fix or proofread papers, nor do they tell writers what to do. In this way, The Center assures faculty that writing turned in for their evaluation is the student's work, not that of a writing center consultant.

Since writing is a complex process that benefits from feedback along the way, the Writing Center encourages students to seek assistance from a consultant at whatever stage is most problematic for them. This may include understanding the assignment; generating ideas; deciding on an approach; drafting, organizing, developing ideas; revising; addressing sentence structure; grammar and punctuation concerns; or documenting sources. During a consultation, a consultant works to motivate rather than control a writer by asking questions, offering feedback, and encouraging the writer to talk through the thinking and planning process that is at the heart of any writing activity.

In the end, the quality of work submitted to a professor for evaluation is the sole responsibility of the student writer. Writing consultants must assist writers at the level of each individual's ability; therefore, written work will reflect each writer's ability as well as personal style. The Writing Center is not a cure for the ills of writing, but a support service for any writer who values feedback as part of the learning/writing process.

Clarion University is the high-achieving, nationally recognized, comprehensive university that delivers a personal and challenging academic experience.

Last Updated 1/11/21