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Patient Portal

The patient portal is currently down for maintenance. Please email or call 814-393-2255 to schedule an appointment or with any questions.



Appointments can be scheduled either in person or through telehealth.  To schedule an appointment call 814 393 2255 or utilize the link above to book your appointment via your patient portal. 

Our staff will call you within 24 hours of your appointment to ask you a few questions about how you are feeling and if you have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19. They will also give you specific instructions about how you will check-in for your appointment. We'll ask that you complete all of your consents and insurance information on your Patient Portal before your appointment. This will limit the amount of time spent in the waiting area.

Rescheduling or Canceling Appointments

  • Please call 814-393-2255 to cancel or reschedule
  • Schedule, reschedule, or cancel an appointment via the Patient Portal
    The patient portal is currently down for maintenance. Please email or call 814-393-2255 to schedule an appointment or with any questions.


Last Updated 5/30/24